How To Properly Insure Your Staffing Company

Finding the proper workers’ compensation for your staffing company is no easy task. Insurance companies require several applications, 941’s previous premium history, loss runs, a full client list and much more. Finding insurance can be a daunting task, especially finding the insurance plan that best fits your staffing company. However, the process can be made easier by making a plan and following these steps:

Start Early

Insurance is generally the last thing on anyone’s mind but when it comes to insuring your staffing company, it is best to start the process 90 days in advance.

Go With Those Who Know

Because the staffing industry is so specialized, working with an agent that already knows the ins and outs of workers’ compensation insurance will get you further, faster. 


Creating a breakdown of your worker population by state and by job type will give your insurer a better idea of which work better insight into your worker’s compensation costs.

Review Your Contracts

Send all of your client contracts to your insurance agency to ensure you are meeting your coverage requirements.

Match Up Class Codes

Once you receive a proposal from your insurance agent, sit down and look through workers’ compensation class codes to make sure your worker population is properly covered.

Stay Up To Date

Once the policy is in place, inform your agent when you are adding new workers for a new client to ensure they are properly covered on the policy.

You should also assign an employee to handle all necessary insurance certificates throughout the year, or else you will be scrambling before your annual audit.

Finding Insurance doesn’t have to be stressful. Contact Insurnt and see how we can help your staffing company decrease insurance costs, increase revenue and mitigate the negative effects an audit can have on your business. 

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